My Approach to Working With Clients

My Approach to Working With Clients

In a practical sense, my approach utilizes somatic and transpersonal psychology. I believe that each person is walking a unique path, discovering that their own truth is within them. One of the “big problems” I help people with is reconnecting to their own inner guru. I feel that this comes in a very somatic way, by descending once again fully into our bodies. By allowing cosmic wisdom to infuse our physical bodies, we can express a much larger universal force that is beautiful, majestic, and completely unique to you.

Week 8: A Vehicle Towards Oneness

Week 8: A Vehicle Towards Oneness

It's easy to imagine that your life purpose is this thing that you do in the world, but I have a secret for you. It is so much more than that. At the deepest understanding, your purpose is not separate from who you are. The desire and search for your life purpose is a cosmic way that life moves you towards the discovery of the truth of your being. At first, it may show up as the need for a more fulfilling job or as a way to use your unique gifts to help others. Perfect! This is the gateway. If you choose to consciously walk through this doorway in a committed way, you will be led down a path that will continue to surprise you for the rest of your life.

Week 6: Your Authentic Self is Your Guide

Week 6: Your Authentic Self is Your Guide

We like to believe that discovering our life purpose immediately looks grandiose and venerable. We hope that doing a bit of inner work will rapidly land us a career that is both inwardly fulfilling and outwardly impressive by modern cultural standards. However, we often hinder our slow, yet powerful, growth by expecting to have it all from the start. The more effective method is to evaluate which messages come from your ego and which come from your authentic self.

Week 4: Using Past Trauma as Your Great Ally

Week 4: Using Past Trauma as Your Great Ally

Your life purpose is desperately attempting to move through you. It is a part of the mystical flow of life and is innately destined to use your presence in the world. This universal force is incredibly powerful and will make it very difficult for you to find peace until you surrender to its will. A huge part of the journey as a human being is to merge your personal will with the universal will. Then why, if so much is working in our favor to awaken our life purpose, do we still get tripped up?

Week 3: Self-Love Is What You Really Want

Week 3: Self-Love Is What You Really Want

The many faces of self-love are all beautiful. When it comes to offering yourself compassion, you can't overdo it. Our deep desire for love and acceptance is at the very core of our humanity. It is a beautiful craving that drives our desire for connection, belonging, and truth. This need is a primary reason you are seeking purpose in your life. So, why don't we give it to ourselves freely when we want it so desperately?

Week 2: Why You Need Inner Peace

Week 2: Why You Need Inner Peace

I firmly believe that access to a state of inner peace is critical to awakening your life purpose. Why is one a prerequisite for the other?

First, discovering your life purpose is nothing short of awakening the truth of who you really are, and who you really are is peaceful. It is peaceful in the largest sense of the word because it fully accepts the present moment without agenda or manipulation.